General Information
DCTPep ID DCTPep00152
Peptide Name r8-BidBH3Alt
Sequence Length 29
UniProt ID Not available
PubChem CID Not available
Origin Synthetic
Type Synthetic peptide
Cancer therapy related peptides
Activity Information
Cell Line | Disease | Activity | Assay | Testing Time | Literature |
IMR-5 | Neuroblastoma | 0% apoptosis at 10 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
NGP | NeuroblastomaDerived from metastatic site: Lung. | 1% apoptosis at 10 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
SK-N-AS | Neuroblastoma; Neuroblastoma | 1% apoptosis at 10 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
IMR-5 | Neuroblastoma | 1% apoptosis at 20 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
NB69 | Neuroblastoma | 1% apoptosis at 20 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
NB69 | Neuroblastoma | 2% apoptosis at 10 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
NGP | NeuroblastomaDerived from metastatic site: Lung. | 2% apoptosis at 20 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
SK-N-AS | Neuroblastoma; Neuroblastoma | 2% apoptosis at 20 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
IMR-5 | Neuroblastoma | 2% apoptosis at 50 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
NGP | NeuroblastomaDerived from metastatic site: Lung. | 3% apoptosis at 50 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
SK-N-AS | Neuroblastoma; Neuroblastoma | 3% apoptosis at 50 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
NB69 | Neuroblastoma | 5% apoptosis at 50 µM | MTT assay | 8 h | 1 |
Hemolytic Activity Not available
Normal (non-cancerous) Cytotoxicity Not available
Target Not available
Affinity Not available
Mechanism Induce apoptosis in highly malignant NB-derived cell lines
Structure Information
PDB ID Not available
Predicted Structure Not available
(Please note that there is the predicted structure, predicted by AlphaFold)
Helicity Not available
Linear/Cyclic Linear
Disulfide/Other Bond Not available
N-terminal Modification Free
C-terminal Modification Free
Other Modification rrrrrrrr=D-isomer homopolymer of eight arginine residues
Chiral Mix
Physicochemical Information
Formula Not Applicable
Absent amino acids Not Applicable
Theoretical pI Not Applicable
Acidic residues Not Applicable
Basic residues Not Applicable
Polar residues Not Applicable
Molecular weight (Average) Not Applicable
Molecular weight (Monoisotopic) Not Applicable
Common amino acids Not Applicable
Net charge Not Applicable
Instability index (II) Not Applicable
Aliphatic index Not Applicable
Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) Not Applicable
Half Life
Not Applicable
Extinction coefficients
Not Applicable
Amino acid distribution
Literature Information
Literature 1
Pubmed ID 16568093
Title BH3 peptidomimetics potently activate apoptosis and demonstrate single agent efficacy in neuroblastoma
Year 2006
Patent ID Not available
Patent Title Not available
Other Iinformation Not available
Other Published ID Not available