
General Information

DCTPep ID  DCTPep00194

Peptide Name   Pep1


Sequence Length  22

UniProt ID  P24627 

PubChem CID  Not available

Origin  Bovine lactoferrin (Lf-B)

Type  Native peptide



ACP Tumor active peptide

Activity Information

Cell Line Disease Activity Assay Testing Time Literature
HL-60 Adult acute myeloid leukemia; Acute myeloid leukemia IC50=77 µM MTS assay 24 h 1

Hemolytic Activity  Not available

Normal (non-cancerous) Cytotoxicity  Not available

Target  Not available

Affinity  Not available

Mechanism  Pep1 may kill cancer cells by activating an apoptosis-inducing pathway

Structure Information


Predicted Structure  DCTPep00194

(Please note that there is the predicted structure, predicted by AlphaFold)

Helicity  Not available

Linear/Cyclic  Linear

Disulfide/Other Bond  Not available

N-terminal Modification  Free

C-terminal Modification  Free

Other Modification  None

Chiral  L

Physicochemical Information

Formula  C123H200N40O26S3

Absent amino acids  DEHNY

Theoretical pI  11.57

Acidic residues  0

Basic residues  7

Polar residues  5

Molecular weight (Average)  2751.37

Molecular weight (Monoisotopic)  2749.47

Common amino acids  R

Net charge  7

Instability index (II)  61.15

Aliphatic index  53.18

Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)  -0.659

Half Life 
  1.1 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro).
  3 min (yeast, in vivo).
  2 min (Escherichia coli, in vivo).

Extinction coefficients 
  Ext. coefficient 11125
  Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 4.043, assuming all pairs of Cys residues form cystines
  Ext. coefficient 11000
  Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 3.998, assuming all Cys residues are reduced

Amino acid distribution

Literature Information

Literature 1

Pubmed ID 18425992

Title  A lactoferrin-derived peptide with cationic residues concentrated in a region of its helical structure induces necrotic cell death in a leukemic cell line (HL-60)

Doi 10.1002/psc.1039

Year  2008


Patent ID Not available

Patent Title  Not available

Other Iinformation  Not available

Other Published ID  Not available

DCTPep is developed by Dr.Zheng's team.