
General Information

DCTPep ID  DCTPep00231

Peptide Name   Camel


Sequence Length  15

UniProt ID  Not available

PubChem CID  Not available

Origin  Ceropin-Melittin hybrid

Type  Synthetic peptide



ACP Tumor active peptide

Activity Information

Cell Line Disease Activity Assay Testing Time Literature
RenCa Mouse kidney carcinoma LC50=1.3 µM MTT assay 24 h 1
B16-F10 Mouse melanoma LC50=1.75 µM MTT assay 24 h 1
WM1158 Melanoma LC50=4.1 µM MTT assay 24 h 1
4T1 Malignant neoplasms of the mouse mammary gland LC50=6.2 µM MTT assay 24 h 1

Hemolytic Activity  At CAMEL concentrations toxic for B16-F10 cells the peptide did not cause erythrocyte hemolysis.

Normal (non-cancerous) Cytotoxicity  Increasing the amount of CAMEL (1–20 μM) proved toxic to all tested cell lines The LC50 values were from 2.95 to 5.2 μM for normal cells (HECa10, HEC PP, NIH3T3, Wi38)

Target  Not available

Affinity  Not available

Mechanism  specific combinations of necrosis-inducing peptide (CAMEL) and IL-12-carrying plasmid DNA can inhibit tumor growth as well as prevent tumor relapse

Structure Information


Predicted Structure  DCTPep00231

(Please note that there is the predicted structure, predicted by AlphaFold)

Helicity  Not available

Linear/Cyclic  Linear

Disulfide/Other Bond  Not available

N-terminal Modification  Free

C-terminal Modification  Free

Other Modification  None

Chiral  L

Physicochemical Information

Formula  C89H151N21O16

Absent amino acids  CDEHMNPQRSTY

Theoretical pI  10.60

Acidic residues  0

Basic residues  5

Polar residues  1

Molecular weight (Average)  1771.31

Molecular weight (Monoisotopic)  1770.16

Common amino acids  K

Net charge  5

Instability index (II)  -28.99

Aliphatic index  149.33

Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)  0.540

Half Life 
  1.3 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro).
  3 min (yeast, in vivo).
  3 min (Escherichia coli, in vivo).

Extinction coefficients 
  Ext. coefficient 5500
  Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 3.105

Amino acid distribution

Literature Information

Literature 1

Pubmed ID 20212453

Title  Anticancer effects of CAMEL peptide

Doi 10.1038/labinvest.2010.58

Year  2010


Patent ID Not available

Patent Title  Not available

Other Iinformation  Not available

Other Published ID  Not available

DCTPep is developed by Dr.Zheng's team.