General Information
DCTPep ID DCTPep00323
Peptide Name NRC-07
Sequence Length 25
UniProt ID Not available
PubChem CID Not available
Origin Pleurocidin-family
Type Native peptide
ACP Tumor active peptide Cancer targeted peptides
Activity Information
Cell Line | Disease | Activity | Assay | Testing Time | Literature |
HL-60 | Adult acute myeloid leukemia; Acute myeloid leukemia | 50% Cell death=16 µg/ml | MTT assay | 2h | 1 |
Hemolytic Activity 25 μM NRC-07: HMECs Cytotoxicity=20%, Fibroblasts Cytotoxicity=1%, HUVECs Cytotoxicity=17%; 50 μM NRC-07: HMECs Cytotoxicity=47%, Fibroblasts Cytotoxicity=0%, HUVECs Cytotoxicity=17%
Normal (non-cancerous) Cytotoxicity Erythrocytes(25 μM NRC-07): Hemolysis=2%; Erythrocytes(50 μM NRC-07): Hemolysis=3%;
Target Cell surface molecules
Affinity Not available
Mechanism NRC-03- and NRC-07-mediated cell death is initiated by peptide binding to negatively-charged molecules
Structure Information
PDB ID Not available
Predicted Structure DCTPep00323
(Please note that there is the predicted structure, predicted by AlphaFold)
Helicity Not available
Linear/Cyclic Linear
Disulfide/Other Bond Not available
N-terminal Modification Biotinylated
C-terminal Modification Amidation
Other Modification None
Chiral L
Physicochemical Information
Formula C136H209N39O29
Absent amino acids CDEIMNPQS
Theoretical pI 10.68
Acidic residues 0
Basic residues 8
Polar residues 6
Molecular weight (Average) 2854.4
Molecular weight (Monoisotopic) 2852.61
Common amino acids K
Net charge 8
Instability index (II) 5.37
Aliphatic index 70.40
Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) -0.404
Half Life
1 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro).
2 min (yeast, in vivo).
2 min (Escherichia coli, in vivo).
Extinction coefficients
Ext. coefficient 12490
Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 4.376
Amino acid distribution
Literature Information
Literature 1
Pubmed ID 22023734
Title Pleurocidin-family cationic antimicrobial peptides are cytolytic for breast carcinoma cells and prevent growth of tumor xenografts
Doi 10.1186/bcr3043
Year 2011
Patent ID Not available
Patent Title Not available
Other Iinformation Not available
Other Published ID Not available