General Information

DCTPep ID  DCTPep01074

Peptide Name   SSTP1


Sequence Length  18

UniProt ID  Not available

PubChem CID  Not available

Origin  Skin Secretion of Indosylvirana aurantiaca

Type  Native peptide



ACP Tumor active peptide Cancer targeted peptides

Activity Information

Cell Line Disease Activity Assay Testing Time Literature
HSC-4 Tongue squamous cell carcinoma; Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue IC50=10.22 μM MTT assay 48h 1
MDA-MB-231 Breast adenocarcinoma IC50=4.5 μM MTT assay 48h 1

Hemolytic Activity  Human red blood cell: SSTP1-induced hemolysis at 5 μM was only-0.25%

Normal (non-cancerous) Cytotoxicity  HEK293: IC50=21.72 μM, lower cytotoxicity

Target  IL6/IL6Rα/gp130 complex

Affinity  Not available

Mechanism  In IL6Rα-overexpressing cancer cells, SSTP1 induces apoptosis at low concentration through JNK pathway, without causing significant membrane disruption.

Structure Information

PDB ID  Not available

Predicted Structure  DCTPep01074

(Please note that there is the predicted structure, predicted by AlphaFold)

Helicity  Not available

Linear/Cyclic  Linear

Disulfide/Other Bond  Not available

N-terminal Modification  Free

C-terminal Modification  Free

Other Modification  None

Chiral  L

Physicochemical Information

Formula  C97H160N20O22

Absent amino acids  CDEHMNQRVWY

Theoretical pI  10.00

Acidic residues  0

Basic residues  2

Polar residues  4

Molecular weight (Average)  1958.46

Molecular weight (Monoisotopic)  1957.2

Common amino acids  L

Net charge  2

Instability index (II)  21.41

Aliphatic index  157.22

Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)  1.167

Half Life 
  1.1 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro).
  3 min (yeast, in vivo).
  2 min (Escherichia coli, in vivo).

Extinction coefficients 
  Should not be visible by UV spectrophotometry.

Amino acid distribution

Literature Information

Literature 1

Pubmed ID 34867962

Title  SSTP1, a Host Defense Peptide, Exploits the Immunomodulatory IL6 Pathway to Induce Apoptosis in Cancer Cells

Doi 10.3389/fimmu.2021.740620

Year  2021


Patent ID Not available

Patent Title  Not available

Other Iinformation  Not available

Other Published ID  Not available

DCTPep is developed by Dr.Zheng's team.