CCP-Ts sub peptide (14-39)

General Information

DCTPep ID  DCTPep02007

Peptide Name   CCP-Ts sub peptide (14-39)


Sequence Length  26

UniProt ID  P0DM29 

PubChem CID  Not available

Origin  Tityus serrulatus

Type  Native peptide



Cell-penetrating peptides

Activity Information

Cell Line Disease Activity Assay Testing Time Literature
DU145 Prostate carcinoma Sub peptide was internalized and directed to the intranuclear region. Not available Not available 1

Hemolytic Activity  Not available

Normal (non-cancerous) Cytotoxicity  HUV-EC-C, HFF-1, MCR-5, HEK-293, BHK-21, MDCK: sub peptide was unable to cross the cell membrane

Target  Not available

Affinity  Not available

Mechanism  As a drug delivery system targeting cancer cell nucleus using CPP-Ts’s nuclear-targeting property.

Structure Information

PDB ID  Not available

Predicted Structure  DCTPep02007

(Please note that there is the predicted structure, predicted by AlphaFold)

Helicity  Not available

Linear/Cyclic  Linear

Disulfide/Other Bond  Not available

N-terminal Modification  Free

C-terminal Modification  Free

Other Modification  None

Chiral  L

Physicochemical Information

Formula  C108H163N29O47S5

Absent amino acids  AHLMRVW

Theoretical pI  3.77

Acidic residues  5

Basic residues  1

Polar residues  16

Molecular weight (Average)  2779.95

Molecular weight (Monoisotopic)  2777.99

Common amino acids  CS

Net charge  -4

Instability index (II)  57.53

Aliphatic index  15.00

Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY)  -0.681

Half Life 
  1.4 hours (mammalian reticulocytes, in vitro).
  3 min (yeast, in vivo).
  >10 hours (Escherichia coli, in vivo).

Extinction coefficients 
  Ext. coefficient 1740
  Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 0.626, assuming all pairs of Cys residues form cystines
  Ext. coefficient 1490
  Abs 0.1% (=1 g/l) 0.536, assuming all Cys residues are reduced

Amino acid distribution

Literature Information

Literature 1

Pubmed ID 30282983

Title  CPP-Ts: a new intracellular calcium channel modulator and a promising tool for drug delivery in cancer cells

Doi 10.1038/s41598-018-33133-3

Year  2018


Patent ID Not available

Patent Title  Not available

Other Iinformation  Not available

Other Published ID  Not available

DCTPep is developed by Dr.Zheng's team.