General Information
DCTPep ID DCTPep06832
Peptide Name P2
Sequence KRGDKA
Sequence Length 6
UniProt ID Not available
PubChem CID Not available
Origin Synthetic
Type Synthetic peptide
ACP Tumor active peptide Membrane lysis Induce apoptosis
Activity Information
Cell Line | Disease | Activity | Assay | Testing Time | Literature |
HepG2 | Hepatoblastoma | IC50=10.92µg/mL | MTT assay | 48h | 1 |
HEp-2 | Human papillomavirus-related endocervical adenocarcinoma | IC50=11.38µg/mL | MTT assay | 48h | 1 |
MCF-7 | Invasive breast carcinoma of no special type | IC50=38.53µg/mL | MTT assay | 48h | 1 |
A375 | Amelanotic Amelanotic melanoma | IC50=91.28µg/mL | MTT assay | 48h | 1 |
Hemolytic Activity Not available
Normal (non-cancerous) Cytotoxicity Vero: IC50=65.03µg/mL
Target Not available
Affinity Not available
Mechanism The perceived cancer cell-selective killing of both peptides P1 and P2 seems to stalk from cationic peptides and the electrostatic interactions between the anionic lipids of cancer cells on account of specific binding between integrins proteins and N (APN/CD13) ligand-receptor on the cancer cell membrane and the presence of binding RGD and NGR motifs in peptides.
Structure Information
PDB ID Not available
Predicted Structure Not available
(Please note that there is the predicted structure, predicted by AlphaFold)
Helicity Not available
Linear/Cyclic Linear
Disulfide/Other Bond Not available
N-terminal Modification α-(2,5,7-tri-tert-butyl) tryptophan (W*)
C-terminal Modification Amidation
Other Modification None
Chiral L
Physicochemical Information
Formula Not Applicable
Absent amino acids Not Applicable
Theoretical pI Not Applicable
Acidic residues Not Applicable
Basic residues Not Applicable
Polar residues Not Applicable
Molecular weight (Average) 673.77
Molecular weight (Monoisotopic) 673.39
Common amino acids Not Applicable
Net charge Not Applicable
Instability index (II) Not Applicable
Aliphatic index Not Applicable
Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) Not Applicable
Half Life
Not Applicable
Extinction coefficients
Not Applicable
Amino acid distribution
Literature Information
Literature 1
Pubmed ID 36863075
Title Design and synthesis of novel N-terminal peptides of integrin and aminopeptidase are new finding for anticancer activity
Doi 10.1016/j.bioorg.2023.106434
Year 2023
Patent ID Not available
Patent Title Not available
Other Iinformation Not available
Other Published ID Not available