Result entries:  2281
DCTPep ID Peptide Name Sequence Sequence Length Origin
DCTPep06796 SEQ ID NO: 513 of Patent CN110785183A KLVELEHTL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06797 SEQ ID NO: 514 of Patent CN110785183A VQLDSIEDLEV 11 Synthetic
DCTPep06798 SEQ ID NO: 515 of Patent CN110785183A KIFEMLEGV 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06799 SEQ ID NO: 516 of Patent CN110785183A YTFSGDVQL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06800 SEQ ID NO: 517 of Patent CN110785183A TLYNPERTITV 11 Synthetic
DCTPep06801 SEQ ID NO: 518 of Patent CN110785183A GLLEDERALQL 11 Synthetic
DCTPep06802 SEQ ID NO: 519 of Patent CN110785183A KIQEILTQV 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06803 SEQ ID NO: 520 of Patent CN110785183A KIQEMQHFL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06804 SEQ ID NO: 521 of Patent CN110785183A FVYGEPREL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06805 SEQ ID NO: 522 of Patent CN110785183A TLDEKVAEL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06806 SEQ ID NO: 523 of Patent CN110785183A HLIAEIHTA 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06807 SEQ ID NO: 524 of Patent CN110785183A KVWSDVTPL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06808 SEQ ID NO: 525 of Patent CN110785183A RLDDLKMTV 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06809 SEQ ID NO: 526 of Patent CN110785183A VLSPFILTL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06810 SEQ ID NO: 527 of Patent CN110785183A LLDSVSRL 8 Synthetic
DCTPep06811 SEQ ID NO: 528 of Patent CN110785183A RLLDSVSRL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06812 SEQ ID NO: 529 of Patent CN110785183A HPSAHDVIL 9 Synthetic
DCTPep06813 SEQ ID NO: 530 of Patent CN110785183A APAAWLRSAA 10 Synthetic
DCTPep06830 CD9-BP RSHRLRLH 8 EWI-2 protein
DCTPep06862 #2(D33-N52) RRRRRRRRGGDRDYKKFWAGLQGLTIYFYN 30 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06863 #6(M108-L127) RRRRRRRRGGMWKGFILTVVELRVPTDLTL 30 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06864 2A(F39-Q58) RRRRRRRRGGFWAGLQGLTIYFYNSNRDFQ 30 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06865 2C(Q44-Q58) RRRRRRRRGGQGLTIYFYNSNRDFQ 25 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06866 2D(Q44-R55) RRRRRRRRGGQGLTIYFYNSNR 22 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06867 2D2(Q44-Y51) RRRRRRRRGGQGLTIYFY 18 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06868 2D3(G45-N52) RRRRRRRRGGGLTIYFYN 18 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06869 2D5(G45-Y51) RRRRRRRRGGGLTIYFY 17 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06870 6E(V116-M135) RRRRRRRRGGVVELRVPTDLTLLPGHLYMM 30 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06871 6F (I113-P122) RRRRRRRRGGILTVVELRVP 20 Synthetic (STAP-2 PH domain–derived peptide)
DCTPep06872 IWDTIEK 7 Snake venom of N. kaouthia
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DCTPep is developed by Dr.Zheng's team.