Result entries:  4761
DCTPep ID Peptide Name Sequence Sequence Length Origin
DCTPep00719 B4 LKKLFKKILKYL 12 antimicrobial peptides
DCTPep00720 B5 LKKLFKKILKYLK 13 antimicrobial peptides
DCTPep00721 B6 LKKLFKKILKYLKK 14 antimicrobial peptides
DCTPep00722 Sphistin (12-38) KAKAKAVSRSARAGLQFPVGRIHRHLK 27 Synthetic
DCTPep00723 BLP-7 GIGGALLSAGKSALKGLAKGLAEHFAN 27 skin secretion of Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis
DCTPep00724 Bombinin H-BO IIGPVLGLIGKALGGLL 17 skin secretion of Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis
DCTPep00725 D Tachyplesin [C3,7,12,16Del] kwfrvyrGiyrrr 13 Synthetic
DCTPep00726 Tachyplesin [C3,7,12,16Del] KWFRVYRGIYRRR 13 Synthetic
DCTPep00727 Reverse D Tachyplesin [C3,7,12,16Del] rrryiGryvrfwk 13 Synthetic
DCTPep00728 Reverse Tachyplesin [C3,7,12,16Del] RRRYIGRYVRFWK 13 Synthetic
DCTPep00729 I-3 LVKRFKKFFRKLKKSVLL 18 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00730 I-7 LVRRFRRFFRRLRRSVLL 18 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00731 I-8 VKRFKKFFLKLKSV 14 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00733 I-1 VKRFKKFFRKLKKSVL 16 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00734 I-2 VKRFKKFFRKLKKSVLL 17 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00735 I-9 VKRFKLFFRKLKSV 14 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00736 I-11 VRRFRLFFRRLRRSV 15 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00737 I-10 VRRFRRFFLRLRRSV 15 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00738 I-4 VRRFRRFFRRLRRSV 15 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00739 I-5 VRRFRRFFRRLRRSVL 16 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00740 I-6 VRRFRRFFRRLRRSVLL 17 cationic host defense peptides
DCTPep00750 [D-Trp]CJ-15,208 FpFw 4 Synthetic
DCTPep00751 CJ-15,208 FpFW 4 Synthetic
DCTPep00754 [R4A,R18A]cGm GCRALCYKQRCVTYCRGA 18 Redesigned Spider Peptide
DCTPep00755 [Y7W]cGm GCRRLCWKQRCVTYCRGR 18 Redesigned Spider Peptide
DCTPep00756 [Y7W,K8R,Y14W]cGm GCRRLCWRQRCVTWCRGR 18 Redesigned Spider Peptide
DCTPep00757 [Y14W]cGm GCRRLCYKQRCVTWCRGR 18 Redesigned Spider Peptide
DCTPep00758 [DPLP]cGm GCRRLCYKQRCVTYCRGpPR 20 Redesigned Spider Peptide
DCTPep00759 cGm GCRRLCYKQRCVTYCRGR 18 Redesigned Spider Peptide
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DCTPep is developed by Dr.Zheng's team.