Result entries:  5612
DCTPep ID Peptide Name Sequence Sequence Length Origin
DCTPep00126 hP1 HSHRDFQPVLHLVALNSPLSGGMRG 25 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00127 hP2 MRGIRGADFQAFQQARAVGLAGTFR 25 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00128 hP3 TFRAFLSSRLQDLYSIVRRADRAAV 25 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00129 hP4 AAVPIVNLKDELLFPSWEALFSGSE 25 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00130 hP5 GSEGPLKPGARIFSFDGKDVLRHPT 25 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00131 hP6 HPTWPQKSVWHGSDPNGRRLTESY 24 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00132 hP7 ETWRTEAPSATGQASSLLGGRLLGQ 25 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00133 hP8 LGQSAASAHHAYIVLAIENSFMTASKKK 28 Human endostatin peptides
DCTPep00134 Laxaphycin B AXQNXXXPLXXVX 13 Terrestrial blue-green alga Anabaena laxa or the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya Majuscula
DCTPep00135 Laxaphycin A XXXFLXXLGXX 11 Terrestrial blue-green alga Anabaena laxa or the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya Majuscula
DCTPep00136 sesquin KTCENLADTY 10 Ground beans
DCTPep00137 Pep27anal1 MWKWFHNVLSSWQLLADKRPARDYNRK 27 S. pneumoniae
DCTPep00138 Pep27anal2 MWKWFHNVLSWWWLLADKRPARDYNRK 27 S. pneumoniae
DCTPep00139 Pep27anal3 MRKWFHNVLSSGQLLADKWPAWDYNRK 27 S. pneumoniae
DCTPep00140 Pep27anal4 MWKEFHNVLSSGQLLADKRWARWYNRW 27 S. pneumoniae
DCTPep00141 Pep27anal5 MWKWFHNVLSSGQLLADKWWAWWYNWW 27 S. pneumoniae
DCTPep00143 Antifungal lectin PVAP SNDIYFNFQR 10 Phaseolus vulgaris
DCTPep00144 Cherimolacyclopeptide E PGLGFY 6 Annona cherimola (Custard apple) (Cherimoya)
DCTPep00145 Tyroserleutide YSL 3 Synthetic
DCTPep00146 MPI IDWKKLLDAAKQIL 14 Polybia paulista
DCTPep00148 lunatusin KTCENLADTFRGPCFATSNC 20 Phaseolus lunatus
DCTPep00149 Brevinin-1DYb FLSLALAALPKLFCLIFKKC 20 Rana dybowskii; Rana pirica; Rana amurensis
DCTPep00153 Lactoferricin B FKCRRWQWRMKKLGAPSITCVRRAF 25 The big centipede Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans
DCTPep00154 LL-37(17-32)b FKRIVQRIKDFLRNLV 16 LL-37,a series of peptide fragments
DCTPep00155 LL-37(17-29) FKRIVQRIKDFLR 13 LL-37,a series of peptide fragments
DCTPep00156 LL-37(13-37) IGKEFKRIVQRIKDFLRNLVPRTES 25 LL-37,a series of peptide fragments
DCTPep00158 OGF, 7 YGGFM 5 The native opioid growth factor
DCTPep00159 8 YX 2 Synthetic
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DCTPep is developed by Dr.Zheng's team.